As the Multiple Listing Service of Costa Rica, our mission is to protect buyers and the general public.

Buyer Benefits when using the MLS:
  • Trusted Data: MLS verifies every for sale property with national title registry
  • Accountability: MLS allows only vetted & licensed real estate professionals
  • Honest Representation: Strict MLS Code of Ethics
  • Transparency:  MLS tracks sold data
  • Protection:  MLS Members represent your interest & protect from pitfalls


Make you sure don't miss  opportunities and avoid shortfalls such as paying too much or even being de-frauded.  Some bad actors have given Costa Rica at times a bad name. No worries with our network of trusted trusted 1. MLS agents 2. lawyers and 3. notaries and the Republic of Costa Rica protecting land ownership rights. Foreigners enjoy the same ownership rights (for titled land) as nationals do. You are surely best advised to  to work with a trusted network of realtors to make sure you avoid risks, your opportunities are realized and your interests are always properly represented.

Buyer Support Services

Interested to Live, Retire, Invest or establish a business in Costa Rica? If so, as a Buyer/Entrepreneur it is important to make the right -Lifestyle, -Financial, -Planning, -Construction, Business, & -Legal Choices.

No matter if you have questions about

  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Lifestyle
  • Moving
  • Construction
  • Property Management

Contact one of our Representatives that will connect you


Risk Management:

It is always advised to have a trusted lawyer perform proper due diligence (title, use restrictions, utilities,...) and draft your purchase agreement, closing docs, and ensures that your property is properly recorded BOTH in the national and county public registry.

We are happy to provide you with a list of trusted law firms upon request. 

Our MLS title lawyer can only validate every single property title and quality of the listing at the time of publication. At least we do our best to make sure that what you see on our network is what will be actually be transferred at closing!

Tell us what your envision/plan to do and we connect you immediately with one of our trusted licensed real estate professional in area of interest.